In this sustained investigation I am exploring the idea of drawing purple monotone surrealistic and realistic portrait artworks.
My artworks show my investigation by keeping to only shades of purples, drawing in realistic/surrealistic styles, and keeping the figure the most important part of each artwork.
I used IBIS Paint X, oil pastels, and plan to use other mediums for these artworks.
A Wonderful Friend
In this drawing I introduced my idea of monotone realistic artworks, by drawing my friend.
I used IBIS Paint X , primarily using a blending brush.
Size - 21 inches x 16 inches
My guiding question for my sustained investigation changed a lot through the year. At first it was a completely different topic dealing with growth, but I scrapped it really quickly. Then it started off as basic realistic portraits in one shade of color, but I got bored of that really fast. I really enjoyed the idea of realistic monotone portraits, so I expanded on that topic. I made it more loose, which allowed me to mess more with shape, form, movement, contrast, and balance. This led to my question being; How can I surrealistic/realistic portraits in a monotone color sheme?
Through my investigation, I've been trying something new. I never seriously focused on realism or surrealism. I haven't used oi pastels, same my watercolor and acrylic work. When it comes to my watercolor piece(11), I tried multiple different poses, redrew it many times, and practiced with letting the color flow. With my oil pastel artwork(6), I came up with two ideas, listed their pros, and then decided on which one would be best. Works 5 and 14, I experimented with leaving un-rendered backgrounds. Works 11 and 13, I went out of my comfort zone and used non-distinct lines for the figure.
These are the artworks that I am the most proud of! (excluding my AP art portfolio pictures)!
Each drawing is either made in IBIS Paint X, watercolor pens, or another medium.
A realistic portrait charcoal drawing with a reflection of myself.
A very fun artwork to work on.